18 November 2005

Celebrity Houses Map : http://www.celebrity-maps.com/index.asp

Application of Spatial Metaphors in Cartography to Visualization of Documentary Information: Information Cartography : (is the html version of the file http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~cs171/LJOld/papers/InformationCartography/Quals2.doc).

Way to see your geotagged photos on Gmap without leaving flickr (just install the greasemonkey script to your firefox and see your photos shown on map right away) : http://www.flickr.com/photos/ckyuan/60247724/ by http://webdev.yuan.cc/gmif/

"hand drawn" map ---------------------->

Hyperbolic Space; Poincare Disc Model of Hyperbolic Space : http://theiff.org/oexhibits/oe1c.html

Alongside the map on wars you will find statistics showing the geographical distribution of Peace Prize nominees and Laureates since 1901 : Go to the Conflict Map »http://nobelprize.org/peace/educational/conflictmap/conflictmap.html

LiveMarks is a project to show del.icio.us bookmarks live (On the left of LiveMarks you can see most recently popular bookmarks. On the right, del.icio.us bookmarks scroll by as people bookmark links on del.icio.us) : http://sandbox.sourcelabs.com/livemarks/

Measuring the Knowledge Base : http://www.sciencepolicystudies.de/dok/expertise-leydesdorff-scharnhorst.pdf

Distortion Techniques : http://prefuse.sourceforge.net/demos-distortion.html (Java 1.4 (or higher) applet shows the use of distortion to navigate a large space). From http://prefuse.sourceforge.net/ which also has the ubiquituous Java radial layout example.

Logos are available in Adobe Illustrator format and are compressed by ZIP : http://www.logotypes.ru/default_e.asp

(Amazon) "most wished for" : http://www.amazon.com/gp/gift-central/gift-guides/most-wished-for/ref=as_info_m1/102-9936456-7775310

"An elegant map should always be considered as worthy of wall space as a painting.” - Arthur Robinson Via http://www.technologyreview.com/articles/05/03/issue/obituary.asp
"NO two popped kernels of popcorn are alike. Each kernel is unique, just like each person is unique." - Mr. Rogers
"Most think that perception works a lot like a flashlight in the dark, illuminating whatever it's aimed at. The truth, however is that instead of revealing what's there, it creates it." -The Universe
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible." - Walt Disney
"You’ll learn more about a road by traveling it than be consulting all the maps in the world." - ?
"When visualizing, simply imagine the end result that you're after, as if that world already existed. Feel the joy you'd feel in that world. And never, ever, ever mess with the cursed hows. This is the secret to channeling your power, and mine. " - The Universe

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