25 July 2005

“the purpose of visualization is insight” ; Application of geographic metaphors, cartographic principles, and GIS techniques in the visualization of non-geographic information; strongly interdisciplinary, aimed especially at increased cross-fertilization between geography and information science; worked on new approaches to create map-like visualizations
Diagram source http://iv.slis.indiana.edu/ref/iv04contest/index.html

Why Do Current Graphical User Interfaces Not Work Naturally & How They Can Be Fixed? : http://www.acm.org/ubiquity/views/v6i26_myers.html

Using Ajax for Creating Web Applications : http://www.uie.com/events/uiconf/articles/ajax/

StarMap: http://www.daytodaydata.com/onearthasinheaven/starmap.html#

A big advantage with MSN Virtual Earth is that it is entirely web-based, so you don't have to download and install client software, as you must with Google Earth. MSN is opening up the Virtual Earth service to developers, providing tools and code to allow you to create your own Virtual Earth web pages. More information can be found at the Via Virtual Earth web site. : http://nl.internet.com/c.html?rtr=on&s=1,1rur,1,a80q,bwdw,li07,h2fv

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