Leonard Cohen Interactive Map Via : http://www.geist.com/stories/how-i-finally-met-leonard-cohen
Cahill’s Butterfly Map vs. Fuller’s Dymaxion Projection
Safety Graphic Fun
Tetrahedral Symmetry
The Day in 100 Seconds
Walking in My Mind explores the inner workings of the artist's imagination through immersive, large-scale installation art.
Misunderstandings around Non-Attachment
(Music) http://www.playingforchange.com/
(Definition) "wenn schon, denn schon" ; (German) "if you're going to do it, go the whole hog". Via
First Twitter reference from this engineer in Bangalore of http://bit.ly/B5p0P
"We do not do what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact." - Jean Paul Sartre
"Is mapping addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating." - R.B.Wild (after Richard Neville)
"The Cosmos is an utterly malleable experience that feeds back to us what we want to perceive." - Chris Ladue
"If there’s a place you got to go, I’m the one you need to know...I’m the Map, I’m the Map!" - Dora the Explorer
"I don't recommend asking for what you can have, or even for what you can give, nearly as much as I recommend asking for what else you can know. Because there is always more you can know, and knowing it will radically increase all you can have and give." - The Universe
Cahill’s Butterfly Map vs. Fuller’s Dymaxion Projection
Safety Graphic Fun
Tetrahedral Symmetry

Walking in My Mind explores the inner workings of the artist's imagination through immersive, large-scale installation art.
Misunderstandings around Non-Attachment
(Music) http://www.playingforchange.com/
(Definition) "wenn schon, denn schon" ; (German) "if you're going to do it, go the whole hog". Via
First Twitter reference from this engineer in Bangalore of http://bit.ly/B5p0P
"We do not do what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact." - Jean Paul Sartre
"Is mapping addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth endlessly repeating." - R.B.Wild (after Richard Neville)
"The Cosmos is an utterly malleable experience that feeds back to us what we want to perceive." - Chris Ladue
"If there’s a place you got to go, I’m the one you need to know...I’m the Map, I’m the Map!" - Dora the Explorer
"I don't recommend asking for what you can have, or even for what you can give, nearly as much as I recommend asking for what else you can know. Because there is always more you can know, and knowing it will radically increase all you can have and give." - The Universe