28 August 2008
(K-Web overview Video) 2008 TheBrain seminar
The Cathie Grid
Twitter Blocks :visualization utilizing Papervision (a 3d visualization engine for Flash). Via
Gallery-style Interface
(International Conference) GAZING INTO THE 21ST CENTURY
What is (Technorati) Authority?
(Listen to the podcast) The NeuroScience of the Groove (investigates synaptic connections that underlie memory, learning, and behavior).
(CATAAlliance tax advocacy) SR&ED interviews : http://webmail.rogershosting.com/hwebmail/services/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DCDrQE9zwrJ0
"One eye looks within, the other eye looks without." - Henri Cartier-Bresson
"It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission." - Grace Hopper
"Great artists need great clients." - I. M. Pei
"The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want. And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself. And the only way to know yourself, is to be yourself. And the only way to be yourself, is to listen to your heart." - The Universe
"Hasten slowly." - Augustus Caesar
27 August 2008
Debunked ("Spinning silhouette" optical illusion) right brain vs left brain test
Fractal Polygon Basics : http://www.wahl.org/fe/HTML_version/link/FE3W/c3.htm
(Stuck in a blog?) Gearing up the training appetite
(Map) Wild World
Polaroid Picture Chain
Escher Mashed : http://www.calresco.org/ewp/escher.htm
Renaissance Principles: (via Robert Genn)
+ Curiosity as a way of thinking
+ Suspicion of authority and conventional wisdom
+ Respect for intelligently filtered history
+ Aspiration to higher levels of achievement
+ Vision for renewed potential in all things
+ Tendency to invent private systems
+ Reinvention and perfection of former skills
+ Accepting the challenge of the difficult
Duplicate Content -- A True Story
Multi-Photo Mug (1 Mug - Up to 15 Photos)
"The rat will become aggressive at the tail end of the year and its underlying water element will cool the stock market." - A feng shui master (Stock tips for the Chinese Year of the Rat)
"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet. - Emily Dickinson
"It is not enough to be very good if you have the ability to be great." - Alberta Lee Cox
"Actually, it's not as if your angels can just drop everything they're doing, and come running whenever you call for assistance, guidance, and love. You pretty much are everything they're doing. Before you even ask." - The Universe
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
26 August 2008
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Commission II - THEORY AND CONCEPTS OF SPATIO-TEMPORAL DATA HANDLING AND INFORMATION
Combating Global Warming (Mind)Map
(Map) North American League - Solemn League and Covenant (the constructed world and history devised by Andrew Smith )
Art Atlas : http://mooonriver.blogspot.com/2007/12/wowww.html
Bad Signage
(Video) "The Last Lecture" - Randy Pausch
Flickr'd in Madrid
And the wall comes down...

"Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?" - ?
"If I don't become a middle-aged prodigy, I'll keep trying until I become an elderly one." - R.B.Wild
"Days begin and end in the dead of night. They are not shaped long, in the manner of things which lead to ends--arrow, road, man's life on earth. They are shaped round, in the manner of things eternal and stable--sun, world, God." - Jean Giono
"You live in heaven, you really do." - TU
25 August 2008
Emerging GIS and knowledge discovery
(Map) US 1860
Ffffound Maps Via
(Early Work) Document Visualization : http://www.itl.nist.gov/iaui/vvrg/emorse/papers/soa/DocumentVisualization.htm \
Drumming Up Innovation;
Hobo Illustrations : http://e-hobo.com/hoboes/list/
The Complete Guide to Free Music Online (Legal Edition)
(Another one bites the dust) "gal who has lots of attitude about latitude and who knows a thing or two about the map frenzy"
The Non-Linear Dynamics of War
"For every hero that slays the dragon, another's charred to bone. For every traveler that finds his path, another dies alone." - Hal Simonson (from his poem 'Another')
"The job of art is to turn time into things." - Robert Genn
"Great ideas need landing gear as well as wings." - C. D. Jackson
"Relish the quiet, enjoy the mysteries, and welcome the whole truth." - TU
"Chaos often breeds life, when order breeds habit." - Henry Adams (1838-1918)
22 August 2008
(Example) Resume Timeline
HexZoom Windows
Software and generative strategies in art and design : http://www.generatorx.no/category/beautyofnumbers/
Constructing The Dragon: Step by step process of constructing the first few levels of the Dragon fractal (from an 11 inch strip of paper).
(Links) Math Science Computers
(Technorati) Blogs / Great Map / 35 blog reactions
Artist Statement
Seemed to have earned? my way back on to her side-bar : http://mooonriver.blogspot.com/

"Society is like a stew: If you don’t stir it up every now and then, the scum rises to the top." - Edward Abbey
"Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern." - Alfred North Whitehead, philosopher
"Don’t’ limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in another time." - Unknown
"When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country." - Elayne Boosler
"All great art is due to the abstraction process." - Curtis Verdun
21 August 2008
(Working group) Art & Cartography (initiated by William Cartwright, ICA president) photos from first symp0sium.
iPhone Still Not Strong on Navigation
Library 2.0
(US) Trails West
Search 'greatest thinkers timeline'
Music made only with the system sounds found in Windows
4 is the Supreme Number of the Universe
(Peace/settlement Negotiations) Ditch the Road Map. Just Get There, Already
"Far from holding up a simple mirror of nature that is true of false, maps redescribe the world—like any other document—in terms of relations of power and of cultural practices, preferences, and priorities." - J. B. Harley (Janet Abrams and Peter Hall, Else/Where: Mapping).
"Honk if you've never seen a Tech-9 fired from a car window!" - bumpersticker on pick-up truck
"If you could say it in words, there'd be no reason to map it." - R.B.Wild (after Edward Hopper)
"We say atoms are bound by weak attractors. Why not admit the truth: The universe is held together by Love." - Michio von Kerr, Wayist Physicist CY 9942*
"It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception." - Albert Einstein (upon being asked about his theory of relativity)
20 August 2008
Over 16000 high resolution images : maps, town plans and topographical views from the 16th to the early 19th century.
Wisdomap : is a new web-based mind mapping tool
Map Installation : http://glowlab.blogs.com/visitorfiles/ Via
(Derivation) Metatron's Cube : http://www.cubicao.tk/theory/tetrahedron_2.html
Music as a model of enquiry
Don't Confuse Creativity with Innovation ((by Futurist)
(Video)Terraform Dance Party ;
Modern Philosophy

"It is a bad plan that admits of no modification." - Publilius Syrus
"Can you see this now?" - The Universe
"Out of 6 billion people it's probably worthwhile for more than one of us to do this kind of work." - R.B. Wild
"Do one thing every day that scares you." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win." - Jonathan Kozol
19 August 2008
Visualizations : Co-Occurrences of Names in the New Testament (Everyone's name is visible)
Origami Architecture
(A book in progress) "See What I Mean" : How to Use Comics to Communicate Ideas
An Exploration of Identity through Art (Navigate by exploring Mind Map ; mouse over to find links).
BRINGING LIFE TO YOUR IMAGE : http://www.lenticular-mirage.com/mProducts.html Beneath each lens in a Depthography image could be lines from 30 to 50 images (lenticular picture).
Image Zoom Image Zooming extension is now disabled by default.
Traffic Navigation (like a hive mind at work) Via Boing Boing :
Menu zoom-out
Abstract Photographer
"One of the most comforting thoughts of all, is knowing that all roads lead "home." Even more comforting, is understanding that you never left." - The Universe

"I know this--a man got to do what he got to do." - John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (1939)
"All processes (from musical composition to philosophy) can be victimized and limited by systems that are tried and true." - Robert Genn
"Our true capital is our creativity." - Joseph Beuys
'The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo
18 August 2008
Yahoo interviewed the Strange Maps blogger
Qualities of Perceived Aesthetic in Data Visualization
Spreed:News : http://blog.spreednews.com/ is a mobile application that gives users a better reading experience on their mobile devices. Demo
Islam Population Map
Effective (screen-shot?) animation
Flotsam Map for the Abstract Photographic Art group (1,457) (Interesting)
SR&ED Overview and Q&A (Via)
(Comedy) The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf
"No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true." - Nathaniel Hawthorne
"More of me comes out when I improvise." - Edward Hopper
"I have a scalable mind." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Those who reach the heights have all toiled up the steep mountains by a different route. To each has been revealed a different panorama." - Albert Pinkham Ryder
"The whole forest hears the wild goose call, but only the ancient oak listens." - B.E.W. Allen